Thursday, May 28, 2020

Teacher's Flat or Teacher's House at SMK Tenghilan

     This picture is a flat teacher at my old secondary school SMK Tenghilan. This iflat have four levels for each block. What is the unique of this flat is, the flat  looks beautiful all the way to Kota Belud from Kota Kinabalu. SMK Tenghilan have two sessions in 2011, evening sessions and morning sessions but start 2012 this school choose to do learning session for just one session due their school have enough class to accommodate the number of students.
     My opinion of this flat is this flat beautiful and if you stay in this flat you are very satisfied of their facilities. I like to share my experience that we stay at this flat in 2011 because our hostel are under repair. So, we have a chance to stay here for a while until our hostel finish to repair. When I stay in this flat it so enjoyable because the bathroom near our bedroom and also all the equipment are new but what is less here is the amount of water reaching the upper level especially at level 4. This maybe because we use more water so we had to get water from the ground floor. In the evening, it is beautiful to saw at field and road from the balcony.
      This flat have their advantage but there also have a several things that need to be improve or be considered. The first one is the  strategic place of this flat. Three years ago I heard that this flat must be cleared because unstable conditions. So, after this the responsible party should take into all aspects of the suitability of the land before developing a building to avoid costly loss. This flat teachers also important to school especially if the hostel under repair, so the student who stay at hostel still can go to schools usual. That all my review about flat at my old secondary school.

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