Thursday, June 18, 2020

"Astaka Sekolah" at SMK Tamparuli Sabah

     This is my last blog about school facilities that is about "Astaka Sekolah" in Smk Tamparuli, Sabah. As we can see the picture right there, this is "Astaka Sekolah" that I found beautiful and wonderful if we add a decoration while using it for a party especially the opening and closing school sport day every year. This "Astaka Sekolah" very important to all school have it for their event. What the important to have this are can have a place to give a throphies to the winner of the competition. Other than that, this also important to give speech for opening and closing a program to be held here by the principal of school. What I found that very interesting and good about this "Astaka Sekolah" is the place of this 'Astaka" in a strategic place that is at field. This facility also near to the store of sport in this school. So, this easy to bring the equipment in the "Astaka Sekolah" if student want to continues their sport training especially hen it is raining during the training.

     What I think that need to be improve this "Astaka Sekolah" is maybe the sport science teacher and their students can paint this "Astaka Sekolah" to see more beautiful everyday and not only the school have event that need to decorate it. Other than that, to make the some event ran smoothly,I think that this "Astaka Sekoah" need more socket for connection that needed like microphone, laptop and loudspeaker. That all my review about school and sport facilities. I hope that all my review in this blog can be my reference and help us in the future later.Thank you...

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