Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Best Example Of A Canteen In School

     Another school facility that I found through my web analysis is the canteen of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Padang Midin that located at Jalan Kuala Berang, Kuala Terengganu. The name of this canteen is "Kafeteria Setia Selera" and their motto is "Selera Ceria Berinformasi". This canteen not only  emphasizes cleanliness but also encourage all students and staff to do recycling program. This canteen provide the plate to students who want to eat and not give a polystyrene container or plastic.
The student smile to get the food from the canteen
     One thing that we can  can practice in our home or school is do the recycling program. For example the plastic bottle, after we drink the water we keep it in the space provided. Other than that, this canteen also always get prize from the competition they participated in and always get the best evaluation from the Kuala Terengganu District Health Department. This canteen also earned the title of Cleanest Canteen A, in Terengganu. What the interesting about this cafeteria is when the students rest time comes, students were also entertained by a band that would perform songs for everyone in the cafeteria. So that why so many students and public people went to this canteen. Canteen SMK Padang Midin also provide weight tools to know their weight gain or lose and health info, indirectly helping students and teachers control the nutrition they take for their health. In my opinion, what we can be considered from this canteen is do the info corner around the canteen about balanced diet. This canteen maybe can improve to appoint some student for control the crowded people  in a rest time.

For more information can visit the link :

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