Friday, May 8, 2020

The Beautiful and Clean Decoration Of Sport Store

     I feel amazed with the sport store at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seksyen 17. The equipment in this store arranged by lable and easy to take or find the equipment when they want to use it. This store has won and was named the entire Primary School category for the Health Education Physical Education Room Management Award
in conjunction with the Petaling Perdana PPD 2018 Quality Awards, recently. What that i find interesting to this store are, the Physical Education teacher and also Head of the Physical Education Committee En. Mohd Hisyam choose to use the Scandinavian concept. He said that as a result of the initiative of some Physical Education teachers who want to create a good, modern room, one that is motivated by finding sponsors and the process of sharing ideas that want something new out of the box, it becomes a sports room that is a concept cafe.
   If any teachers want to use the equipment from the sport store, they need to fill out an entry-level record book and loan equipment to make sure the equipment always in a good condition.
En. Mohd Hisyam9Right) and Airunizam with their 5 students assistents for the Sport Store 
     Why this school can do this because they get half the cost of sponsorship and the rest of the generous teachers donate on the basis of love for professionalism. The equipment has damage disposed of in accordance with prescribed procedure. I think that this sport store nothing that needs to be improved because it is perfect compared to other schools that lack sports equipment

For more information can click link above :

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