Thursday, May 14, 2020

Review About The University Malaysia Sabah Track

     Today I want to do some review about the track at University Malaysia Sabah (UMS). As you can see in the right side is a picture of the track at UMS. Around 2013 and 2014 I have experience to do our sports competition here especially the sports that involve on the track like 100 m, 200 m , 800 m and many more. What is the best in this track is, the toilet is near to the track so it is easy to the athlete for change their clothes. Other than that, this track also have chair and to watch the friends do their sport competition and  parade event. In this two year that I went here, the track look old and  the track is hard, unlike the other track like the Sepanggar sports school track. 
     This may causes the athletes will complain with their teacher that they can't run or cannot adapt the situation like that, hard to run, and many more the reason that students give to their coach or teachers. Why this happen because the person in charge this  track not take any action. In my opinion, the person who in charge this track has do their work or has reported this issue but because of problem in budget, this procedure take a long process and request us to wait. Maybe at the same time there are some sport equipment at other place that need more repairs. So, the person who in charge this can do some repairs like close the small hole with tape or sand to avoid injury to the user or athlete. I hope that all students can be considerate and patient to this situation. That all for my review about track at UMS.

This link for short video about condition track UMS,:

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