Friday, May 1, 2020

The beautiful Library in School "Library Zaaba SMK Kurau, Perak"

    This is library of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kuala Kurau, Perak. This school located at Jalan Pantai. In 2009 there are 636 students and 57 teachers in this school. What is interesting this school facility is their library attract the student's attention because of beautiful decoration and so many variety of book. This library also has won several awards like champion library State of Perak in 2018,was selected to represent Perak in the national PSS competition in 2019, won library in area Kerian since 2015 until 2017 and second place for Library Excellent in State of Perak 2016 to 2017.
     Library Zaaba SMK Kuala Kurau have one teacher fos library and 56 students that assistent for the teacher in the library. Why this library always won for competition because they do this activities. First, one of the teacher in this school donate their novels and magazines almost 70 novels. The books was placed in a small basket to attract the students, with this donate the number of students who borrow book at library increase rapidly.
The decoration of the library also as a result of some teachers and students Flow of the Secondary Vocational Program (PVMA) makes beautiful abd creative furniture. This library also has a cafeteria room and Zaaba Library also visited by PPD Northeast Penang, SMK Pernu Melaka, PPD Heads and Perak principal. When I read about this library, I can say that this is awesome library that I've heard. When the student like to go at library,they can improve and gain their knowledge so that the percentage of excellent student in this school increase rapidly. I has one suggestions for improvement this library that I want to write here. I think that this library need appointed a permanent worker to manage this library since the increasing number of students. This will reduce the work of library teachers and library supervisors because the teacher need teach their students in class and the library supervisors that which consists of students also need focus more with their study. 

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