SMK Sri Perak are one of the school have a beautiful school facility. This school are located at Jalan Asuhan. In 2009, this school have 1291 students and 94 teachers at there. What I found that very interesting and make me want to write blog about this school is, their classroom. I'm interested with their arrangement and decoration. I was amazed at the effort of the students and teacher that decoration they do. This classroom has a space,not too narrow so the student easy and comfortable for their movement while doing activity in the class.At the wall of classroom also have an information that they stick. This can improve and give a new knowledge to the students who read that. Not only students but public people who want to visit this school like parents while have meeting between teacher,parents and student.
In this blog, I want give some suggestion about this classroom. As we know that have a beautiful classroom like this need a budget/money to buy all of the things that we use to decorate our class. So, here I want to suggest some way to collect money to avoid we pay a lot of fees to our classroom.First,the students can give penalty to the students who didn't do class cleaning according to the schedule provided. For example, pay 20 or 50 cent per day. This will help them to collect money to buy their decoration tools. Other than that, if any students has damage the tools in that classroom on purpose also suitable get a penalty. But the penalty not burdensome the students at all. Just give a simple and cheaper penalty. That all my review about this classroom. I hope that we can get some ideas to do decoration later.
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Decoration in front of the classroom |
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