Friday, April 24, 2020

Opinion About Bukit Jalil National Sports Complex

     My name is Reinnyca Sandau student from Physical and Health education class ED246 4A. We are required to do a blog about the "sport and school facilities at school" for subject in Sport Facilities in School.
      Stadium Bukit Jalil (Bukit Jalil National Sports Complex) also known as "Home Of Harimau Malaya"(Harimau Malaya,2019). This  is the biggest stadium in Malaysia which can accommodates up to 100,000 people in a time. This national sports complex is the second large in ASEAN and the e 11th place the largest in the world. What is special about  this stadium are this is one of National level football competition finals like Malaysian FA Cup and Malaysian Cup. Other than that the colorful LED decoration around the Stadium.
        My opinion about this stadium is its good for our country if we organized a big event to be located here so that we can attract a lot people to join our event. I support the agree of Malaysian Stadium Corporation that always upgrade and make sure the facilities in Stadium Bukit Jalil in a good condition. They always make an improvement and requirement that user need. What I see that need to improve and consider here is the Stadium will open at night so that the people who work at the day can use the stadium facilities until night. The Malaysian Stadium Corporation also need to improve or introduce the online ticket purchase when there is an event held here. Online ticket purchase can save time people to meet the agent who sell the ticket.